Last updatet: 2024. 01. 26.

Company information - Our history

Name of the company: ROZSDÁS KERESKEDELMI KFT.
​Company headquarters: 2740 Abony, Baross Gábor út 2., Hungary
Telephone / Fax: +36/53-360-392
Corporate registry number: Cg. 13-09-071657/51
VAT number: 12107582-2-13
EU VAT number: HU 12107582
Statistics (KSH) code: 12107582-4677-113-13
Operating License Number: 298/1999
Metal Trading License Number: FE000492
VPID number: HU0006843511
D-U-N-S number: 52-077-2117
KÜJ number (Environmental Client Code): 100 375 701
National License Number for Carrying Hazardous Waste: 14/5308-19/2013. Valid until: 2018. 09. 30.
Headquarters address (Abony, Hungary):: 2740 Abony, Baross Gábor út 2., Hungary
Lot number: 4232/5
Telephone / Fax: +36/53-360-392
Locality identifier: 27 872​
Environmental area code: 100 744 089​
Waste Processing License Number: 1353-30/2010.    Valid until: 2015. 05. 31.
Modified Waste Processing License Number: PE/KTF/18652-24/2015. Until: 2020.06.10.
Processing Hazardous Waste License Number: PE06/KTF/22085-14/2017 Until: 2022.07.31.
Headquarters address (Kisújszállás, Hungary): 5310 Kisújszállás, Északi Ipartelep, Hungary
Lot number: 2228/3
Telephone / Fax: +36/59-321-430
Locality identifier: 25 919​
Environmental area code: 100 621 115
Waste Processing License Number: JN/KTF/00190-21/2016  Until: 2021.03.31.
Processing Hazardous Waste License Number : JN-07/61/01733-20/2017 Until: 2022.08.31.